Journalist Economist (Dipl.-Vw.)

Articles for the Following Newspapers and Magazines (among others):

Absatzwirtschaft (Germany's professional journal for marketing issues)

Brand eins (Germany’s avantgarde monthly business magazine)

Capital (Germany’s most widely read business magazine for decision makers)

Cicero (German magazine for intellectuals)

Deutsches Architektenblatt (Germany’s leading monthly magazine for architects)

Handelsblatt (Germany’s leading daily newspaper for business and finance)

Impulse (Germany’s leading monthly magazine for the small firm sector)

Journalist (German monthly magazine for journalists)

Sueddeutsche Zeitung (Germany's largest daily newspaper)

Vanity Fair (the German edition of the famous American celebrities magazin)

Westdeutscher Rundfunk (Germany’s most popular broadcasting service)

Wirtschaftswoche (Germany’s leading weekly business magazine)

Die Zeit (Germany’s largest weekly newspaper)

Books / Essays:

„Crisis, Frenzy and Misery", on the Golden Twenties, 
in: Buying – a cultural hommage on modern retail in Germany (Callwey Verlag 2019)

„Goodbye Counter", on the introduction of self service, 
in: Buying – a cultural hommage on modern retail in Germany (Callwey Verlag 2019)

"How to Work with an Architect“ (Planen und bauen mit dem Architekten)
Co-Author: Claus Mundorf (Consumer Advice Centre of Northrine Westfalia 2004)

"Prospects for Astute Brains“ (Chancen für kreative Köpfe)
in: The Self-employed Urban Planner (Jahrbuch Publishing House 2002)

"Michael Otto: Far-Sigthed Moralist“ (Michael Otto: Ethiker mit strategischem Weitblick)
in: Men of Thoughts and Men of Action – Portraits of Germany’s Economic Leaders
(Moderne Industrie Publishers 2002)

"Modern Employers, Modern Employees – Old-fashioned Associations?“ (Neue Unternehmen, neue Beschäftigte - alte Verbände?)
in: Workers’ Participation in the Digital Economy - a Contradiction?
(Bertelsmann Stiftung 2002)

"Grey Eminence: Frank Kuechler, Headhunter in Hotel Business“ (Graue Eminenz: Frank Kuechler, Talentscout der Hotellerie
in: Creative Destruction (Handelsblatt Publishing Group 2001)

"The Entrepreneurial Employer“ (Der Mitarbeiter als Mit-Unternehmer)
in: Modern Leadership – A Guidebook for the New Economy (DVA 2000)

"Professional Leadership“ (Mitarbeiter professionell führen)
in: The Successfull Urban Planner (Jahrbuch Publishing House 1999)